"Interludic" is a project that explores relationships between people through movement in an interactive, playful and creative way, based on the idea of play.
As adults we forget the importance of playing and all the implications and dynamics that it generates in us; it awakens our creativity and curiosity, stimulates us, makes us aware and refines our perception of the environment and of others. «Interludic» explores all these aspects, highlighting play as the basis for learning in all stages of life.
It is not a performance, nor is it a workshop. The format proposes a space where participants are the protagonists and will be guided through different playful dynamics that bring people from different generations together.
Idea and creation: Mireia de Querol Duran and Urša Sekirnik With the participation of: Ariadna Grau Voices: Mireia de Querol Duran, Ariadna Grau and Urša Sekirnik Support: Graner - centre de creació del cos i moviment, Can Gassol Centre d’arts escèniques, La Visiva espai pel moviment, La Lleialtat Santsenca, C. C. Can Felipa, Kulturno umetniško društvo NUM, OSIC - Departament de cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya Thanks to: Veronica Gimeno Matos, Anna Rubirola i Aimar Pérez Galí
As an extension of the project, a publication has also been published, “Interlúdic - Values and benefits of a collective playful movement practice“, in collaboration with Graner - center for creation of the body and movement, which collects the concepts and conclusions of the research.
Mireia de Querol i Urša Sekirnik
Mireia and Urša have worked together in several creations of the Big Bouncers Collective (http://www.bigbouncers.info/ ), and both are part of the La Visiva residency space (https://www.lavisiva.org/ ).
The mutual interest in creating pieces intended for all audiences and participatory processes has led them to begin creating joint artistic projects of co-creation, in which they are both performers and coreographers.
The first joint project, Bestiari Dixit (2022), has gained support for creation within the framework of the Balla’m un llibre project of the Association of Dance Professionals of Catalonia and Libraries of Catalonia. The project has premiered at the Jaume Fuster Library in Barcelona and has been presented in several libraries and non-conventional spaces throughout the territory.
Interlúdic is their second project, thus giving continuity to the joint work, expanding and deepening their concerns in relation to dance and movement creations for a diverse audience, where the participants also have a leading role.